RealEscort Norway
Chicas Este anuncio no ofrece ningún servicio sexual.

Marg : Sexuality coach, Body therapy )Cuddling theraphy Tantric massage, Deep relaxation, Shamanic journey, ❤️❤️❤️

Tenga en cuenta que este anuncio no ofrece ningún servicio sexual.


Actualmente situado en Oslo


Altura (cm)
Peso (kg)
Caderas (cm)
Talla de zapato
Color del cabello
Rubio oscuro
Color de ojos
Color de piel
Talla de copa
Senos de silicona


Tipos de pago
Efectivo Revolut Vipps Wise

Detalles de precios:

45 minutos

InCall (Visítame)
1.500 NOK

1 hora

InCall (Visítame)
1.700 NOK

90 minutos

InCall (Visítame)
2.100 NOK

2 horas

InCall (Visítame)
2.600 NOK

Reseñas: Satisfacción general

Bueno: 12 | Malo: 1

Descripción del anuncio

About session send sms please ❤️

Anmeldelse ❤️
Møtte Marg her om dagen . Og må si dette var noe helt spesielt. Marg er helt spesiell. Har ingen andre å sammenligne henne med, men den opplevelsen vi hadde sammen er noe jeg ikke kommer til å glemme noen gang. Jeg lengter allerede etter mer. Og kommer garantert til å ha flere sessions med Marg. Alt i alt en topp opplevelse for meg. Angrer på at jeg ikke tok lenger tid. Det blir det neste gang. Takk Marg

Tradisjonel og flott Tantra økt. Vært her 3 ganger tidligere og alltid hyggelig. Meget spesiell atmosfære og helt klart at dette er vanlig Tantra på sitt beste.

Safety and lovely time 🤗❤️ wirh tantra and b2b massage 😊

That is new method of very deep relaxation, feeling happiness, and love.
Recomended with blindfold, for very deep journey ❤️

Also possible:
Shamanic drum session.
Helping with takeing out old stuff from our bodies.
Relaxing, bringing new energy to the body.

Clients about session ❤️
Har gått til en del tantra massasje, og nuru, beste opplevelsen jeg har hatt hittil på flere år..
Virkelig å anbefalle, rent å pent, ordnet forhold, ble fortalt i samtale hva massasje kom til å bestå av, det ble gjennomført å litt til...
Neste gang vil jeg prøve lenger tid...

Tusen takk... Mvh Freddy

Marg 45 years old
Sexuality teacher, Shaman, Sexdrama therapy, Sexuality coaching
Cuddling therapist.
Voice teacher for speekers.
Trener of expressive theraphies and relaxation technics,
Postural integration massage, Classic massage, Lomi Lomi Nui massage,
TRE ( trauma relasing exercises ) Body and voice trener.
Working with Tantric, Body, Sexuality, Sexdrama sessions.
Have more then 15 years experiance, induvidual and groups working.

Coaching / massage / therapy helps men experience deep feeling of joy and relaxation. It brings harmony into partnership and professional sphere, restores balance between masculine and feminine sides that can even make men more attractive for women. It also helps release stress which men accumulate in nowdays hectic world, find inspiration.

Problems which men can solve with the help of tantric massage:
– premature ejaculation;
– problems with erection;
– feelings of guilt and shame;
– feeling of loneliness;
– lack of touches;
– fatigue.

During coaching / massage / therapy for person the busy mind comes to stillness and the body dives into the waves of pleasurable sensations. Unnecessary judgments and ideas disappear. You have opportunity to experience this feeling „here and now“ which is difficult to express in words.

Charming, privat place with good music, so every session is a rithual ❤️

If Im not taking phone, just send message, what you want, when, and how long <3


Métodos de Contacto




Horario de contacto

08:00 - 23:00
00:00 - 23:00
00:00 - 23:00
00:00 - 23:00
00:00 - 23:00
00:00 - 23:00
00:15 - 23:00
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Horario de viaje

Mayo 2024
